Colin Dey
Out now, the final issue of SEAJ in 2024 offers another fascinating mix of articles, commentaries and reviews.
Our yearly editorial is dedicated to reflections concerning two recent digitalisation-based developments, both of which are currently radically transforming the publishing arena. We begin by considering the rapid emergence of generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) models known as Large Language Models (LLMs), which have already had tremendous effects on academic knowledge production. In this context, we clarify our stance on the use of AI in articles submitted to Social & Environmental Accountability Journal (SEAJ) and reviews conducted for the journal. We then continue by taking a closer look at the proliferation of systematic literature reviews, in their multiple versions, e.g. bibliometric-based reviews, which are submitted to the journal in increasing numbers. We use this editorial to revisit our editorial policy and outline the kind of submissions welcomed at SEAJ.
In addition to all these fascinating pieces of work, we invite you to have a look at the regular book and article reviews that we publish. As joint editors, we would like to thank all those who have contributed to the latest issue, including the reviews editors team, Xinwu He, Nicolas Garcia-Torea and Erin Twyford, for all their great work in overseeing this important section of the journal. Our thanks also go to the contributors to the reviews section.
Enjoy the issue!