
Education is central to the work of the CSEAR community. Members can participate in the Education Community of Practice and have access to a multiplicity of educational resources.

Interested in developing your approach to teaching social and environmental accounting? Join CSEAR.

Educational Resources

CSEAR Education Community of Practice

A community of practice (CoP) brings together people sharing a similar passion and willing to learn from one another in order to be better at what they do (Wenger-Trayner et al. 2023). Grounded in CSEAR’s mission, the CSEAR ECoP focuses on SEA education.

It originated from CSEAR’s Building Carbon Literacy Project.

CSEAR ECoP aims to:
- showcase innovative social and environmental accounting education;
- share insights on course content, pedagogy, and institutional work in the development of their course; &
- encourage exchanges, discussions, and engagements with the participants on the proposed topics.

Learn more

"We need to be more selective and reflective in research and teaching undertakings (...). So, we must think more about our role and responsibility at the undergraduate level in promoting critical thinking about accounting (and other topics) to our students. Remember, our students will be professionals, academics, or politicians, and more important, citizens. Our students will be our legacy."
(Correa Ruiz et al. 2023, SEAJ, p.66)


Michelle Rodrigue
School of Accounting, Université Laval Québec, Canada

Shona Russell
University of St Andrews Business School, UK

Caroline Linhares
Sheffield Business School, UK

Inquiries about and suggestions for ECoP should be sent to

Educational Resources

A wide variety of educational resources are available to CSEAR members to support social and environmental education, including:

The Case of Assabi: Expanding the Learning on Sustainability Through an Experiential Qualitative Multi-Criteria Decision Making Activity

Accessible through your SEAJ subscription or via the Members’ Area

Teaching Case. PF Integrated: Developing and Experimenting Competencies in Sustainability Accounting

Accessible through your SEAJ subscription or via the Members’ Area

A New Era – Extending Environmental Impact to a Broader Sustainability Agenda: The Case of Commercial Group

Accessible through your SEAJ subscription or via the Members’ Area

Plastic Case : Isocycling Horticultural Plastic Films. (French and English) By Boldrini, J-C, Elie, M., and Antheaume, N.

Accessible via the Members’ Area

You can find more resources in the CSEAR members area including module guides, videos of past ECOP events and other case studies. Become a CSEAR member today.

We welcome resources in multiple languages. Please contact, if you would like to share some resources.

09 October 2024 - 3 min read

ECoP 9: ‘What does it mean to teach accounting in the Anthropocene?’

Michelle Rodrigue & Shona Russell

Building carbon literacy: a series of events exploring how colleagues around the world teach carbon and climate change to their accounting programmes
11 May 2023 - 4 min read

Pedagogies for SEA Communities – Education Community of Practice

Michelle Rodrigue and Shona Russell

17 February 2023 - 4 min read

Teaching Human Rights – Education Community of Practice

Michelle Rodrigue & Shona Russell

Building carbon literacy: a series of events exploring how colleagues around the world teach carbon and climate change to their accounting programmes
09 August 2022 - 2 min read

Launch of the CSEAR Education Community of Practice

Michelle Rodrigue and Shona Russell

CSEAR launches three online events to foster engagement on social and environmental accounting education.

20 April 2022 - 4 min read

Only for members

Shona Russell, Ian Thomson, John Ferguson, Kirsty Holstead and Lori-Leigh Davies

01 April 2022 - 2 min read

Educational resources for environmental accounting

CSEAR Administrator

01 April 2022 - 2 min read

Social and Environmental Accounting Teaching Cases

CSEAR Administrator