Giuseppe Grossi (Kristianstad University) will be the speaker and the paper’s topic will be “Visualising and measuring public values created by smart cities: A collaborative governance perspective”
Purpose - The purpose of this paper is to explore the perceptions of creators and users regarding the visualization and measurement of public values created by smart cities.
Design/methodology/approach – We build an analytical framework using collaborative governance and public value theories to show how smart city creators and users perceive the
visualization and measurement of multiple values. We applied photo-elicitation interviews with 40 city creators and city users and used visual sources created by the researchers. The photographs
were used to expand the ideas about capturing value from various smart city projects.
Findings – We analyzed public value from an economic, societal, and environmental perspective and found that public value perceived by city creators is not always aligned with city users. While
we found general agreement in relation to environmental values, in the case of social and economic value, the perceptions of smart city users diverge from those of smart city creators. We also found
that the multi-actor reality and in-group pressures may influence the lack of a coherent vision of smart cities among the creators, which results in relatively lower fulfillment of users’ expectations.
Originality/value – This paper explores how the combination of different interests, actors and values affect performance measurement in a certain reality of smart city initiatives in Poland.
Keywords Collaborative Governance, Public Values, Smart Cities, Poland; Visualisation; Photo elicitation.
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