Thu 20 Apr 2023

CSEAR Reading Group

HOST: Matt Sorola Location: Zoom

The emancipatory potential of counter accounting

Asia/Pacific: 20 April, 2023 8:00 AEDT

Africa/EU: 20 April, 2023 15:00 CET

In this session, we’ll examine the role of ideology in accounting discourse and the potential for transformative change. Drawing on the work of Slavoj Žižek, Jonathan TWEEDIE (Manchester) will join us to discuss a nuanced critique of counter accounting, exploring its potential limitations in promoting social justice. Join us to reflect on the future of accounting and its transformative potential in shaping a more just society.


Video clip: Žižek’s ideology glasses

Tweedie, J. (2022). The emancipatory potential of counter accounting: A Žižekian critique. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, In Press.


Thu 20 Apr 2023

Please contact Matt Sorola (


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