Oana Apostol, Colin Dey & Michelle Rodrigue
We are happy to announce the publication of a new issue of SEAJ, which as always includes a mix of original articles, commentaries and reviews. Thanks go to all the team who work behind the scenes to help bring this wonderful content to you, including our new joint editor Oana Apostol and our reviews editors Mercy Denedo, Nicolas Garcia-Torea and (also new to the team!) Erin Twyford.
The core thread among the papers composing this issue relates to impact – a notably multifaceted concept.
The latest issue also includes a fascinating commentary, which continues the Journal’s longstanding tradition of providing a platform for the academic community to raise and invite discussion on important issues.
The reviews section assembles an interesting mix of commentaries on the topics of resonance, sustainability in the public sector, organizational change and technologies of governance that is also well worth a look. Our commitment to give voice to members of our community is well reflected in this section.
We thank all the authors featured in this special issue and all the reviewers who participated in the blind reviewed process making this issue possible. Happy reading!