Mon 25 Aug 2025

12th Emerging Scholars Colloquium (25 August 2025)

HOST: CSEAR UK Location: University of St Andrews, St Andrews, Scotland

The aim of the colloquium is to provide an opportunity for emerging scholars in social and environmental accounting (SEA) research to present and discuss their research projects alongside a cohort of distinguished international faculty. The colloquium will maintain an informal atmosphere to enable intensive intellectual debate.

In addition to supporting the advancement of research projects, the aim of the ESC is to introduce emerging scholars into the SEA research community. At the same time, it seeks to facilitate a reflection on questions, issues, and topics potentially of interest to emerging scholars. For this purpose, we invite participants to actively engage by raising questions and concerns throughout the event creating a lively and engaged forum for discussion.

The Faculty

The colloquium will be organized into small group sessions guided by leading scholars in the field of SEA research, representing various research methodologies, topics, and a range of theoretical expertise. Faculty members who can speak about the impact of our field and the pathways to this impact will also be present. There will also be some plenary sessions where participants will be able to interact (both formally and informally) with faculty and organising committee members.

Criteria for the selection of participants

To facilitate dialogue and discussion, the number of emerging scholars invited to participate is limited. Ideally, applicants should have at minimum made some progress in their doctoral research. All other early career scholars are also encouraged to apply to the colloquium.

Submissions will be selected according to:

  • quality (broadly defined) of the research project proposal,
  • subject matter directly or indirectly related to SEA, and
  • geographical, gender, theoretical and methodological diversity.



Interested emerging scholars wishing to participate in this event are invited to apply by submitting ONE single Word file including:

  • a description* of the research project (maximum 2,000 words). It should include the title of the project and a summary of the research question, the theoretical and methodological framework(s) utilized or considered, the expected contribution, the potential implications from the research, the discussion of the results to date, and any challenges encountered. It should also include the list of bibliographical references (but will not be tallied towards the maximum word count);
  • a one-page curriculum vitae, including name, e-mail address, institutional affiliation, research interests, PhD supervisor (if applicable) and years in the doctoral program to date (if applicable).


* We prefer to have an extended abstract or proposal but will accept applications with a proposal/simple abstract with the expectation a more developed paper be submitted prior to the conference. This will allow for more meaningful feedback from our faculty.


Submissions will be made online via the Eventsforce platform, which will open by the end of March on the CSEAR conference website (details will follow in due course).

We are fortunate to have support from various organizations this year, who will be named in Spring 2025. Thanks to the generous support from our sponsors, CSEAR will be able to offer bursaries to a limited number of participants. Scholars attending the colloquium are required to become a paid member of CSEAR and register for the 35th  International Congress on Social and Environmental Accounting Research. The CSEAR website will soon provide charges and full details of how to register at: http://csear.co.uk. Registration will open in Spring 2025.


Should you have any question, please contact Stacy Chavez at slchavez@loyola.edu, Leonardo Rinaldi at leonardo.rinaldi@rhul.ac.uk, Mercy Denedo at mercy.e.denedo@durham.ac.uk, or Hendrik Vollmer at hendrik.vollmer@wbs.ac.uk.

Please see for more details: CSEAR 12th ESC 1st Call

Call for papers

Submission Closing Date : 27 April 2025
Registrations Open : Spring 2025
Submissions for the ESC can be made online via Eventsforce platform (open by the end of March on the CSEAR conference website). Details will follow in due course.

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