14th CSEAR Spain
Wed 18 Oct 2023

14th CSEAR Spain Conference

HOST: Carmen Correa and Mercedes Luque, Universidad de Córdoba, Córdoba, Spain Location: University of Córdoba

Since 1997, the Centro de Investigación en Contabilidad Social y Medioambiental
(CICSMA) https://www.upo.es/cicsma/ and the Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting
Research (CSEAR) https://csear.co.uk/ support the bi-annual Spanish Conference on Social and
Environmental Accounting Research.

The purpose of the Conference is to provide a forum for the discussion and promotion of research in social and environmental accounting. To this aim, the Conference will provide the opportunity to present emerging research projects and academic papers ready to be submitted to journals for their discussion and improvement with a view in their future publication in academic journals. The approach of the conference is interdisciplinary and focuses on a high level of interaction, discussion and debate in a friendly and supportive atmosphere.

The 14th CSEAR Spain Conference on Social and Environmental Accounting Research will be held on October 19th-20th 2023 in the University of Córdoba headquarters in the city of Córdoba, organized by University of Córdoba in collaboration with CICSMA from Pablo de Olavide University. The theme of the conference will be: “Addressing the urgency of environmental crisis: reflections on the constitutive role of accounting, short term actions and engagement”.

A workshop will precede the conference on Wednesday 18th afternoon to discuss in a more
informal manner issues behind the main theme of the conference.

For this 14th CSEAR Spain Conference, we are pleased to welcome Prof. Helen Tregidga from
Royal Holloway University of London and Prof. Jesse Dillard from University of Central Florida, as our plenary speakers.
Submissions are welcome in either Spanish or English


This workshop will take place the 18th October 2023, immediately before the 14th CSEAR Spain
Conference (XIV Reunión de Investigación en Contabilidad Social y Medioambiental) that will be held the 19th and 20th October 2023 in University headquarters in the city of Córdoba, organized by University of Córdoba and CICSMA from Pablo de Olavide University.

Purpose and Introduction: This second workshop intends to continue reflecting on how to foster research capabilities, social infrastructure, research funding opportunities, knowledge co-creation and engagement opportunities with practice and profession, policy making and education with the aim of seriously addressing the urgency of environmental crisis from our research community.

Current socio-environmental crisis demands imagination, collaboration, commitment and short term action from different fields. For that purpose, the workshop aims to debate about the role of our community in facing this huge challenge, imaging and devising distinct courses of action in the three aforementioned realms: 1) practice and profession, 2) policy making and 3) education.

This workshop intends to be an opened forum to debate, without the time restrictions we use to have in traditional conferences and workshops. The workshop will start with a brief introduction by our two keynote speakers, Helen Tregidga and Jesse Dillard followed by a small-group interaction and an exchange of view plenary session.

We understand this exercise as a vital one to foster learning, cohesion, and identity within our community and to further develop current CSEAR research structures.

Those interested in participating in this workshop must select the option “Conference + Workshop” in the conference website registration menu.

Workshop Programme

Conference Programme

For more information and to buy tickets, visit the conference website:

Visit conference website

Call for papers

For the Conference -
● June 1, 2023: full paper or abstract (300 words) submission deadline
● June 20, 2023: response to authors
● July 10, 2023: registration deadline
Full details are on the conference website - https://www.upo.es/congresos/csear-spain2023/

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