15th CSEAR Spain
Thu 5 Jun 2025

15th Spanish Conference on Social and Environmental Accounting Research

HOST: CICSMA and the Faculty of Economics and Business from the Autonomous University of Madrid

Since 1997, the Centro de Investigación en Contabilidad Social y Medioambiental (CICSMA) http://www.upo.es/cicsma/ and the Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research (CSEAR) https://www.st-andrews.ac.uk/csear/ support the bi-annual Spanish Conference on Social and Environmental Accounting Research. The Conference aims to provide a forum for the discussion and promotion of research in social and environmental accounting. The Conference gives the opportunity to present emerging and advanced research papers and projects and to receive feedback from constructive discussions. This is a multidisciplinary Conference with a high level of interaction and debate in a friendly atmosphere.

Between June 5th and 6th, 2025, the XV CSEAR Spain Congress on Research in Social and Environmental Accounting will be held at the “La Cristalera” residence of the Autonomous University of Madrid, organized by CICSMA and the Faculty of Economics and Business from the Autonomous University of Madrid. For this XV CSEAR Spain Conference, we are pleased to welcome Prof. Eija Vinnari and José Luis Blasco, as our plenary speakers.

Submissions are welcome in either Spanish or English.

Contact information: csear.spain2025@uam.es

For more information and to buy tickets, visit the conference website:

Visit conference website

Call for papers

15th January, 2025: full paper or abstract (300 words) submission deadline.
15th February, 2025: response to authors.
15th May, 2025: registration deadline.

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