A-CSEAR 2023
Thu 7 Dec 2023

A-CSEAR 2023 Conference

HOST: QUT (Queensland University of Technology) Location: Queensland University of Technology

The A-CSEAR conference is an important Australasian conference that provides a forum for accounting academics and practitioners to enhance understanding of social and environmental issues, paralleling the annual CSEAR (Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting Research) conference held in the United Kingdom.

A‐CSEAR aims to foster a supportive and inclusive community of emerging and established scholars undertaking research on the social and environmental aspects of accounting and accountability theory and practice.

The annual A‐CSEAR conference provides an international forum in which to showcase this work and to foster much needed interdisciplinary research in accounting.

Keynote speakers

      • Professor Eija Vinnari, Faculty of Management and Business, Tampere University, Finland
      • Professor Jane Andrew, The University of Sydney Business School, Australia
      • Dr Katherine Christ, senior lecturer, University of South Australia Business School, Australia


The theme for the conference is “Accounting for Flows”. The theme presents a provocation to consider how accounting for, impacts on, and is shaped by flows. Hopwood (1983) made the all-important point that accounting does not just attempt to represent the environment and impact, but it can also be shaped through that process. Flows may concern (but are not limited to) environmental flows (e.g., river inundation and damming, transportation of livestock and caged animals), social flows e.g., (border controls, modern slavery), informational flows (e.g., data leakage, data breaches), material flows (e.g., oil, gas drilling, electrical blackouts), and economic flows (cash movement, stock crashes).

The conference will be directly preceded by the Early Scholars Colloquium on December 6, 2023. The aim of the colloquium is to provide an opportunity for emerging scholars in social and environmental accounting and accountability research (SEA) to present and discuss their research projects with established academics. The colloquium will be relatively informal with the aim of promoting engaging discourse.

For more information and to buy tickets, visit the conference website:

Visit conference website

Call for papers

The ACSEAR 2023 Call for Papers can be found here.

The ACSEAR 2023 Early Scholars Colloquium Call for Papers can be found here.

ACSEAR 2023 Main Conference and ESC Submissions close: 31st of July 2023, with decisions made to authors by the 30th of August 2023
Submissions to be made via the A-CSEAR2023 conference website:

For more information - acsear2023@qut.edu.au

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