Thu 8 Sep 2022

8th CSEAR Italian Conference, 8-9 September 2022

HOST: Department of Economics and Business Administration Location: University of Cagliari

The 8th CSEAR Italian Conference and 3rd CSEAR Italy Doctoral Colloquium , “Pandemic and post-pandemic accounting and accountability: towards a “new” normal”, will be held in person in Cagliari, Italy 8-9 September, 2022.

For more information and to buy tickets, visit the conference website:

Visit conference website

Call for papers

Participants are kindly invited to submit abstracts (no more than 500 words plus references) of research projects, working, and full papers to the following email address: csear2022@unica.it. Works and projects could be submitted and discussed in Italian or in English. It is important to note that the submitted works/papers should be anonymous. The following information should be included in a separate file:

– Title of the contribution
– Author(s) and organization affiliation (e.g. university, department, organization, etc.)
– Contact Information (address, telephone, fax, e-mail etc.)
– Type of contribution (full papers, papers in progress, ideas for research project, thesis in progress)
– References

All submissions will be subject to a review process by the organizing committee and anonymous reviewers.

Abstract submission - July 10th
Abstract acceptance, author notification date - July 20th
Full paper submission - August 31st
Registration and fee payment (discounted) - By July 31st
Registration and fee payment (full) - from August 1st
Last date for registration and payment - September 8th
Workshop dates - 8-9 September 2022

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