A world where at least sentient non-human animals are considered to have moral, political, and legal rights is already emerging, both in scholars’ imaginations and in political assemblies and courtrooms throughout the globe. For instance, California has banned the sale of animal fur products, Ecuador has granted legal rights to individual wild animals, and meat replacement products have become a common sight in supermarkets. What are the implications of all this for accounting in organizations and societies? The inclusion of animals in sustainability accounting could help track progress towards animal rights, but it could also end up as a managerial tool, reproducing the status quo instead of challenging it. In this session, we will be joined by special guest Prof. Eija VINNARI (TAU) to discuss the intersection between accounting and non-human animals, and potential avenues for future research.
Two reading groups will be held on Thursday 16 June:
Vinnari, E. & Vinnari, M. (2022). Making the invisibles visible: including animals in sustainability (and) accounting. Open access: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1045235421000435
Jeff Sebo: Against human exceptionalism (online essay)
Knowing Animals podcast, episode 67: “Zoopolis with Will Kymlicka”
The First Country in The World Has Given Legal Rights to Individual Wild Animals