Thu 17 Nov 2022

CSEAR Reading Group

HOST: Matt Sorola Location: Zoom

We examine the “paradox of emotional closeness” to which the accounting ethnographer is subjected, and which is at the root of a feeling of shame: he/she must create strong emotional links with field actors, while remaining emotionally distant and be ready to betray them by revealing, in academic work, precise details of their intimacy. Building on Hochschild’s (2003) theory of “emotional labor”, we show that shame and the management of shame is an important part of doing ethnographic work in the accounting community.

Featuring guests Caecilia DRUJON D’ASTROS, Camille GAUDY, Marianne STRAUCH (TBS)


Thu 17 Nov 2022 TIME: Asia/Pacific: 16 :00 (AEDT) Africa/EU: 15:00 (CET) BST

Matt Sorola -


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